Contact details Austria - DONA
BMK - Supreme Shipping Authority
Contact details
Summary of functions
The Supreme Shipping Authority consists of a legal and a technical Department that are part of Section IV of the Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innmovation and Technology.
The Department V/3 (Waste Management), which is responsible for ship recycling, is part of Section V of the Ministry.
BMK, Federal Accident Investigation Authority - SUB
Contact details
Summary of functions
The Federal Accident Investigation Autority is part of the Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology. It is responsible for several modes of transport, including waterborne transport. In accordance with the requirements of Union law and the Austrian legal situation, the SUB is functionally and organisationally independent of all authorities and parties, public and private bodies, whose interests could conflict with the tasks of the SUB.
Federal Ministry for Digital and Economic Affairs - IV/A/3
Contact details
Summary of functions