Contact details Croatia - DONA
Ministry of the Sea, Transport and Infrastructure
Maritime Safety Directorate
Contact details
Summary of functions
Maritime Safety Directorate and Maritime Affairs Directorate of the Ministry of the Sea, Transport and Infrastruscture are responsible for Coast Guard functions and maritime EU legislation.
Ministry of the Sea, Transport and Infrastruscture - Maritime Safety Directorate performs administrative and expert tasks in internal sea waters, territorial sea, exclusive economic zone and inland waters related to the safety of navigation, search and rescue, vessel traffic management and monitoring, environmnet protection of the sea and inland waters from pollution from ships, inspections, administrative and professional security tasks of maritime objects belonging to the Croatian state, and performs other tasks established by laws regulating the maritime area, the navigation area and ports of inland waters.
Ministry of the Sea, Transport and Infrastruscture - Maritime Safety Directorate performs tasks within its scope within internal organizational units - Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre (MRCC Rijeka), National Coordination Centre for Vessel Traffic Service (VTS Croatia) and 8 Harbourmaster's Offices with branch offices.
Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development
Contact details
Summary of functions
Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development:
- full transposition of Sulphur Directive and Commission Implementing Decision
- preparation of complete national legal regulations in coordination with Ministry of the Sea, Transport and Infrastructure
- preparing of Yearly Monitoring of sulphur in Marine fuels in coordination with Ministry of the Sea, Transport and Infrastructure
- ensuring Budget for monitoring of Marine fuels used on board and during deliveries to ships
- reporting of Marine and Land based fuels in DONA and Thetis EU
Ministry of the Sea, Transport and Infrastructure - Sulphur inspection:
- carry out inspections (Monitoring) of Sulphur in Marine fuels being used on board and while being delivery to ships (only in Ports)
- reporting of information in accordance with Commission Implementing Decision in Thetis EU in coordination with Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development
State Inspectorate - Market Inspection:
- Monitoring of all fuels placed on the Croatian market, on petrol stations and warehouses
State Inspectorate - Environment Inspection:
- checks whether the data has been submitted to the national database
Customs Administration:
- surveillance of import of all fuels
Croatian Energy Regulatory Agency:
- issuing permits for performing energy activities
Air, Maritime and Railway Traffic Accident Investigation Agency
Contact details
Summary of functions