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Ministry of Transports And Infrastructure Romanian Naval Authority     

Contact details

ADDRESS: Incinta Port Nr 1 Constanta, 900900, Romania


Tel: +40372754328 (FSI) + 40 720 300 985 (FSC); FAX:+ 40 241 616 229



Summary of functions

Overall responsibility for maritime related matters in Romania was vested in the Ministry of Transports and Infrastructure (MoTI) in Bucharest. Within the Ministry, the General Directorate of the Naval Transport is responsible for maritime legislative issues and implementation of maritime policy. RNA drafts relevant legislative proposal related to maritime transports and submits them for approval to the General Directorate of the Naval Transport for obtaining Ministerial approval. RNA is also responsible for the corect implemetation and observance of maritime legal acts governing the maritime transport sector in Romania.

The FSI activities are performed by the Romanian Naval Authority through Ships certification Department and the FSC activities are performed through the PSC/FSC Department


FSI – Ships Certification Department

In compliance with the scope of its activities by the Romanian Law No. 412 of 2002, Ship’s Technical Certification Department has the following main tasks:

- To provide the survey and certification of ships flying the Romanian flag in accordance with the construction and outfitting requirements applicable as per the RNA norms in order to be fit to sail  and operate in safe conditions;

- To provide survey of ships and offshore drilling units flying the Romanian flag and to issue by means of the authority given by the Romanian Government the documents and certificates required in order to certify the compliance with the provisions of the international conventions to which Romania is a party or intends to apply regarding the safety of ships and navigation, safety of life at sea, cargo safety and prevention of pollution;

- To undertake the survey and certification, based on RNA norms of: materials, installations and equipment intended for shipbuilding;

            To provide on the Romanian territory the survey and certification during construction and repair of the containers and their materials, based on the provisions of the International Convention for Safe Containers, to which Romania is a party, and RNA norms and of other pertinent regulations.

            To perform tonnage measurements and to issue tonnage certificates for sea-going and inland waterways vessels in accordance with the international and national regulations in force.

            To establish and ensure the forms required for the survey activities (certificates, reports etc);

            To keep the records of the ships.

FSC- PSC/FSC Department

Perform control of Romanian flagged vessels.

The relevant departments are marked in red





Romanian Naval Authority - Port State Control Department

Contact details

ADDRESS: Incinta Port Nr 1 Constanta, 900900, Romania

+ 40 720 300 985, FAX:+ 40 241 616 229 / + 40 372 419 845

Summary of functions

Overall responsibility for maritime related matters in Romania was vested in the Ministry of Transports and Infrastructure (MoTI) in Bucharest. Within the Ministry, the General Directorate of the Naval Transport is responsible for maritime legislative issues and implementation of maritime policy.

              The Romanian Naval Authority (RNA), whose headquarters are in Constanta, is a specialised technical body responsible for ensuring the implementation and enforcement of national and international maritime transport legislation. The RNA is managed by a General Director and operated by a Leading Council that consists of seven members who are appointed by the Minister of Transport and Infrastructure.

The competent authority for PSC is General Director of the RNA. The Head   of PSC/FSC Department is the national PSC Coordinator. Romania is a full member of the Paris MoU. Presently, RNA has nine qualified PSCOs, including the national PSC Coordinator. Out of these, five are full time PSCOs, four are part-time and they are engaged in both PSC and flag State duties.

The organisational Chart of the Romanian Naval Authority - PSC dept marked in red




Romanian Border Police


Contact details

ADDRESS: Bucharest, 42C Geniului Avenue, District 6, Romania 
Tel: +4021.316.25.98, +4021.9590

Summary of functions

The Romanian Border Police is part of the Ministry Internal Affairs and is the specialized state institution which carries out the tasks appertaining to it and referring to the surveillance and control of the crossing of the state border, the prevention and fight against illegal migration and against acts specific to cross border criminality carried out in its area of competence, to the compliance with the judicial regime of the state border, passports and foreigners, the ensuring of the interests of the Romanian state at the lower Danube and the Macin and Sulina Canal located outside the border area, in the contiguous area and in the economic area located in the exclusive economic area, the keeping of public order and peace in its area of competence under the conditions of the law (art. 1 of the Emergency Ordinance no. 104 of June 27th 2001 regarding the organising and functioning of the Romanian Border Police).

A relatively young body, but with a century-old tradition in ensuring order at the Romanian borders, the Border Police proves to be an institution with its own personality and individuality for carrying out missions, being able to highlight, from the very moment the border is crossed, the true image of the state of law and the genuine democracy and civilisation of the Romanian people.

Responsible for approximately 3.150 km of borders, the Romanian Border Police permanently deals with the extremely varied problems and illegal means of transiting the Romanian border, starting with the illegal migration, drug, gun and stolen vehicle trafficking and finishing with smuggling - in all its forms of manifestation.

Organized in a way similar to the model of the institutions in European Union states, the Romanian Border Police makes important efforts in the field of prevention and fight against the cross border criminal phenomena and in carrying out and complying with the internal and international legislation in force so that at the Romanian borders, its specific activities match the international standards.






Ministry of Transports and Infrastructure/ Naval Transport Incident and Accident Investigation Compartment -CIIATN


Contact details

ADDRESS: 38 Dinicu Golescu Blvd., Sector 1, Code 010873, Bucharest, Romania


Tel: +40 021 311 1220


Summary of functions

Competent authority: CIIATN  - The Incident and Accident Investigation Compartment in Naval Transport

CIIATN Structure: Position -2 -  Superior Councilors

The Incident and Accident Investigation Compartment in Naval Transport is the functional structure within the ministry, which ensures the fulfillment of its attributions in the field of technical accident safety investigations shipping.

Management of the Incident and Accident Investigation Compartment in 

Naval Transport is provided by the Minister, and in his absence by / or a person designated by him, within the limits of the powers established in accordance with the System regarding the delegation of attributions / competences within the Ministry Transport and Infrastructure.

The specific objectives of the Incident and Accident Investigation Compartment in

Naval Transport are: monitoring of maritime accidents and conducting investigations safety data sheets, as appropriate, to determine their causes and circumstances led to their production and the issuance of safety recommendations for improvement safety in maritime transport, by reducing the risk of future accidents with similar cases, in accordance with national and international regulations.

Specific tasks are:

  1. In the field of technical investigations into safety in the event of accidents in shipping sector ,The Compartment of Incident and Accident Investigation in Naval Transport has the following attributions: elaboration and updating of the national regulations regarding the technical investigation on safety in the event of accidents or incidents in the maritime transport sector, in compliance with international and European Union law;

  2. elaboration of national regulations regarding the reporting and notification of accidents and / or a incidents in the shipping sector;

  3. administration of the database of accidents and incidents in the transport sector maritime, taking into account location criteria, type of accident or incident, ships or equipment other specific criteria involved;

  4. notification, as appropriate, of the States concerned in particular following the occurrence accidents / incidents involving seagoing vessels, establishing on a joint basis agreement, the state that will conduct the investigation and the methods of collaboration and investigation;

  5. the proposal of the composition of the commission of inquiry and its management in the case accidents and / or incidents involving seagoing vessels, as appropriate;

  6.  ensuring the technical investigation regarding the safety in case of maritime accidents very serious, when the accident: involves a ship registered under the Romanian flag, regardless of the place of the accident; occurs in the territorial sea or on the roads inland waterways of Romania, as defined by UNCLOS, regardless of the flag the ship or ships involved in the accident; implies a special interest of the Romanian state regardless of the place of the accident and the flag of the ship or ships involved;

  7.  in the event of serious maritime accidents and in the event of any other accident or incident produced under the conditions specified in point “f”, shall ensure the preliminary assessment of circumstances and, where appropriate, decide and propose to the Minister of Transport and Infrastructure, conducting a technical safety investigation. If, as a result of the evaluation circumstances of the accident, it is not considered necessary to conduct a technical investigation on safety, register the reasons and inform the European Commission through the Platform European Maritime Accident Information Center (EMCIP);

  8.  preparation of the draft report and the final report on the results of the investigation, on which can be published in full or in summary on the website of the Ministry Transport and Infrastructure, after approval by the Minister of Transport and Infrastructure;

  9.  issuing safety recommendations following investigative actions, as appropriate, in order to prevent future accidents and / or incidents with similar causes, which become applicable after approval by the Minister of Transport and Infrastructure;

  10. keeping records and ensuring the statistical registration of the accidents in which they are involved seagoing ships, analyzing and monitoring, as appropriate, how they are taken in consider  the recommendations issued, in accordance with the specific procedures in force;

  11. cooperation and mutual assistance in technical investigations into security carried out by the Member States of the European Union through the Permanent Cooperation (PCF);

  12. reporting to the European Maritime Safety Agency, through the EMCIP system, a data and information on accidents or incidents and investigations carried out in accordance with national law;

  13. collection and analysis of technical data concerning safety in maritime transport, in the purpose of accident prevention, in so far as these activities do not affect the ability to carry out technical safety investigations and does not result in liability in matters of regulation, administration or standardization;

The main functional relationships are:

A) of authority or of subordination, hierarchical;

  • to subordinate the execution staff  to the Minister of Transport and


B) cooperation, collaboration;

  • internally, collaborates with the general directorates, directorates and other functional structures within the ministry;

  • at national level has functional relations of cooperation and collaboration with other ministries and institutions of the state administration, as well as with other state institutions, in the fields specific activities of the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure;

C) representation;

at the international level ensures through the Incident and Accident Investigation Compartment in Naval Transport representation of the Romanian state, as a designated member, in the Framework of Permanent cooperation established by the Member States in close cooperation.




Ministry of Transports and Infrastructure/ Romanian Naval Authority

Contact details

ADDRESS: Constanta Port, No.1,Constanta 900900, Romania
0040 372 419 887; Fax 004 0241 616 229 

Summary of functions

ISM-ISPS activity is accomplished by ISM-ISPS Office, which is a specialized department in application of ISM and ISPS Codes. The members of the department are Specialized personnel in Third party Audit for this kind of management systems is highly qualified in and out of Romania and internationally recognized by European Commission and EMSA like ISM  and ISPS Auditors and Duly Authorized Officers of Romanian Administration. ISM-ISPS Office is performing the Audits of ISM Systems , the ISM Certification of the Romanian Flag Ships which are involved in International Maritime Transport, the Audit of ISM Systems  of Romanian Companies which are exploiting this ships, after which is issuing SMC for ships and DOC Certificate for Company.

Also ISM-ISPS office is performing the activity of verification of  management systems according ISPS Code implemented on Romanian flagged ships which are involved in  International maritime transport ,give consent for Security assessment, approve Ship Security Plan and finally issue ISSC.

Another activity performed by ISM-ISPS Office is foreign flag ships control which are touching Romanian Ports for respecting ISPS Code provisions according with EU reg.725 form 2004.Related to financial insurance of Romanian seamen embarked on ships under Romanian Flag, ISM-ISPS office is issuing the Financial Insurance Document for Romanian Navigation Companies which is protecting employed  Romanian Seamen, according OMT 247/2010.

The organisational Chart of the Romanian Naval Authority - ISM/ISPS dept marked in red





Ministry of Transports and Infrastructure/ Romanian Naval Authority

Contact details

ADDRESS: Incinta Port Nr 1 Constanta, 900900, Romania
0040 372 754328; 0040 372419887

Summary of functions


The Romanian Naval Authority is the specialized technical body subordinated to the Ministry of Transports and Infrastructure, through which it exercises its function of state authority in the field of navigation safety and ship security. In observance of its duties in respect of Inspection, survey and certification of ships flying the Romanian flag RNA aligns with the requirements set out in the DIRECTIVE 2009/15/EC OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL on common rules and standards for ship inspection and survey organizations and for the relevant activities of maritime administrations.

In this respect the Romanian administration has concluded agreements with recognized organizations, in the beginning, directly through their specialized Naval Directorate (with GL and BV), agreements which were managed through RNA.

Subsequently, the ministry delegated the conclusion of the agreements with ROs to RNA.

The ROs presently performing tasks and authorised by RNA to undertake fully or in part the inspections and surveys related to the issuing or renewal of ships’ statutory certificates to Romanian flagged vessels are: LR, BV, KR, NK, RINA and RMRS.

For the  survey and certification activities related ISM Code (Document of Compliance and Safety Management Certificate) functions are delegated in part, through special mandate agreements, to the following ROs: LR, BV, KR, NK, RINA and RMRS

The monitoring of the these ROs are performed, in cooperation, by the Technical Certification Department and the ISM/ISPS department.

The organisational Chart of the Romanian Naval Authority – relevant departments marked in red
