Contact details Sweden - DONA
Swedish Transport Agency
Civil Aviation and Maritime Department
Contact details Shipping -
Summary of functions
Head of Ship and Seaworthiness Unit
Tel: +46 76 721 10 44
Tel: +46 76 721 10 58
Fax: +46 40 231 691
Swedish Maritime Administration
Contact details
ADDRESS: Sjöfartsverket, Norrkoping SE-601 78; Sweden
Summary of functions
The Swedish Maritime Administration (SMA) has its central management in Norrköping, where 318 persons work. The regional organisation is located close to the Swedish coast and the big lakes. The operational activities have been divided into six maritime business areas. Along the coast, there are nine pilot areas: Luleå, Gävle, Stockholm, Södertälje, Kalmar, Malmö, Göteborg, Marstrand and Lake Vänern & the canal. The Maritime and Aeronautical Rescue Co-ordination Centre is located in Göteborg.
In total, the SMA has 1,168 employees, 244 women and 924 men.
The SMA is headed by the Director General who is also head of the management team.
Swedish Accident Investigation Authority
Contact details
Summary of functions