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The Dynamic Overview of National Authorities (DONA) is an EMSA application to support the Member States (MSs) and the European Commission (EC).  

DONA has four distinct functionalities:

Country Profile:

A publicly available section of DONA which includes various type of information pertaining to how MSs have organised their competent authorities responsible for their Flag, Port and Coastal State obligations, as well as on authorities performing coast guard functions, or other competent authorities responsible for the implementation of EU legal acts falling within the mandate of EMSA.

Reporting Gate:

A single-entry portal with restricted access, through which MSs could, in accordance with a pre-agreed list of reports and templates report to the EC on the implementation of various EU legal acts.


A restricted area of DONA, available only to designated users from the MSs, where EMSA uploads regularly, maritime related statistics from data sources available in EMSA, thus supporting MSs in their capacity as Flag, Port and Coastal States and their monitoring activities in measuring their own performance.

National Measures:

A public and restricted space to present Member States national measures under EU maritime acts, which currently comprises Passenger Ship Safety Measures.  



Release R4.2.1 of DONA has been deployed. This new release allows National Coordinators to update their Country Profile information from the Administration tab. The EFTA Surveillance Authority has been added as a new User Community.

On Thursday 13th of February 2025, patches on the database that supports EMSA PORTAL require an intervention who will start at 11:30 and it is expected to take around 2 hours. During this period, the Maritime Applications depending on the above access will be impacted.