The statistics, data and charts on this portal have been generated from data reported by the EU Member
States in accordance with art. 17 of Directive 2009/18/EU (AID). Although there are procedures to monitor
consistency, reliability, and completeness of data, the ultimate responsibility for the data rests with the
Member State that provided it. Data regarding each occurrence may change as the competent Member State
updates the case details.
The displayed data shall not be used to infer liability or responsibility in any circumstances, or to evaluate the
levels of safety for sea areas.
For more information on a specific case, please contact the Authority that provided it.
Cartographic information, including territorial waters, baselines and EEZ are for information purposes only and
do not constitute endorsement or guidance to subjects concerning International Law.
EEZ shapefiles have been provided by the Flanders Marine Institute (2022):, available online at