Seafarers Stats - STCW
In this page you can retrieve a snapshot of the European maritime labour market
The structure and content of this reporting module follows the one of the Seafarers’ Statistical Annual Reviews. The numbers are established by counting each person in his/her highest capacity.
We invite you to explore the number of seafarers holding valid certificates and endorsements by year[1] or by a group of years among the different available sections depending on the document the seafarers hold, as follows:
CoCs – seafarers holding valid EU[2] certificates of competency issued under Chapters II, III and VII of the STCW Convention
EaRs – seafarers holding valid EU endorsements attesting the recognition of CoCs issued by EU and non-EU countries
CoPs – seafarers holding valid EU certificates of proficiency under Chapters II, III and VII of the STCW Convention[3]
CoCs+EaRs – seafarers holding valid EU CoCs combined with seafarers holding EU EaRs issued to those holding CoCs issued by non-EU countries.
A practical demonstration on how to use this reporting module can be found below
Any doubts or requests for additional information can be addressed to